Monday, 16 September 2013

Michelle and Tavia!!!!

Anyway, YES! I get to see the both of them in real life and even up till thus, I still couldn't believe that!! Whenever I closed my eyes, mental images of what happened on that day, (15th Sep 2013) will get flashing continuously in my minds eye. It just seems to be TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.

AND, did I told you that I was so excited and nervous that I couldn't get to sleep on the previous night??? YES,  I was just this nervous.

I reached half an hour early on that day and I was honestly feeling very nervous and worried, (cause I was worried that it would be awkward)
I am just going to skip to the part where Tavia appears cuz I know you guys don't even bother how I was feeling hahaha.
so...YES. Everybody came swarming around her and everyone's pace is so fast before I could react lol. I'm not kidding. I have no idea how to operate my mom's camera (because she don't let me touch her camera at all) and I only managed to get like 4-5 pictures of her. SHE IS SO NICE!! Y'know what??? She stopped to take pictures with each of her fan!!! (I actually had guessed it cuz I had saw videos on youtube that she stopped and took picture with each of her fan when she went malaysia)
I have no idea of Michelle's flight details and I went back to airport to wait for 1.5-2 hours while
everyone proceeded to vivo for the event at 5pm.
   Despite waiting, there's still no sight of her :( I then proceeded to vivo.
(The file size is too huge so....not many pictures. It will lag)
We reached at around 1+ -2pm in order to get good seats. We were sitting right in the centre in the first row (there were still 2 rows in front of us, but that were for the "VIPS" that had won the contest)
The emcee appeared and he started asking some questions relating to Michelle and Tavia (obviously) and the TVB StarHub awards. Goody bags were given off to people who answered it correctly. Everyone was waiting anxiously before Michelle and Tavia made their way to the stage. AND.. the long-awaited moment finally arrived, everyone started screaming and shouting at the top of their voice upon the sight of them. Both of them looked so amazingly gorgeous that I couldn't help but just kept screaming. Afterwards, they were asked to pick their choice for the best tvb drama. Without saying, Michelle picked <The Confidant> and for Tavia, 3 of her series were nominated (AGWTC2, SSSS, Back to the three kingdom). She picked <SSSS> (this was the drama that she won the best TVB actress for). The emcee then asked for their pick for the "Favourite male artist" (or smth) 
Tavia picked Kenneth (Ma Ming), and everyone just get so excited instantly that they started screaming at their high-pitched voice that pierced through the air. HAHAHA. Tavia then mentioned that she knew that we would have this reaction! hahaha, she's so cute.
It was then Michelle's turn for her pick. She picked Kenneth too!! She added that Kenneth was really hardworking and he put in a lot of effort during his filming etc. :)
The sad part was here. My mom forgot to pass me the camera lenses and even though I was sitting literally in the first row, zooming to the maximum, and yet, the images were still too small! :( I've no choice but to take it using the other camera that I got it as a free gift lol. So all the pictures here were taken with the free gift camera.
There were this part when Michelle and Tavia will pick their fans up to play games with them! A total of 4 fans were picked. The first game was a puzzle game. They were supposed to assemble the puzzle pieces to a full picture. They were competing with each other, I supposed. But, in the end, Michelle went to help Tavia in it. Hahaha they are too cute!! :) Michelle won Tavia in this. The time taken for Michelle to complete was 1min and  time taken for Tavia to complete was 1.5mins hahaha!
It was then the second game. The fans were supposed to randomly pick a strip of paper from a box and it will determine what they would get to do with their idols- Michelle and Tavia respectively.

Michelle fan's will have the privilege to take a picture with Michelle, and Tavia's fan will have the honour to have Tavia fanning for her. Tavia is so cute hahaha she just kept fanning for her fan. Michelle's fan wanted to hug michelle....hahaha and the emcee said "Must be careful of this person, he keeps harbour the thought of hugging people. THE ONLY PERSON U CAN HUG IS ME OKAY?! COME!" and he prepared to embrace him HAHAHAA.

Michelle's FC then presented Michelle a bouquet of flowers and a birthday cake. Michelle was so happy and touched that she was almost at a loss of words and Tavia was so happy for her too! They then hugged each other, aww it was so heartwarming! :') Michelle is really great to her fans and it's so touching.

I got the 2 above pictures from Tavia's international FC on weibo (I think) and credits to the watermark shown in the picture.
The most disappointed part was here. Only the VIPs (winners) will have the autographs of Michelle's and Tavia's. The guy passed me their autographs and I MANAGED TO HOLD IT. I was still trying to be natural, and hiding my left hand behind of me. (cuz the VIPs got a green wrist band) and the guy suddenly went "where's your green band?" I watched the autographs slipping through my hands and yet I couldn't do anything. :( I was so devastated. AND U KNOW WHAT AGAIN???!
As Michelle made her way down the stage, I went rushing and making my way through, standing right in the front. I WAS STANDING SO CLOSE TO HER THAT IT IS LESSER THAN AN ARM LENGTH DISTANT. I was so stupid cuz I was so happy that I forgot to even ask for her autograph. I was also too shy to even ask for a hand-shaking. All I did was, calling her name and smiling to her (that was the best and sweetest smile I had ever shown I strongly believed) and she smiled back friendly and amicably. I literally melted lol. And after that, the guy beside me went to ask for her autograph and only then, it struck me that I could ask for an autograph too. I WAS SO STUPID I COULDN'T FORGIVE MYSELF. Afterwards I just gave a chase, and she was so nice!! She just stopped many times to give people autographs. I was standing right beside her, it's a 100% I could get her autograph. AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AGAIN??! I COULDN'T FIND MY MARKER, I was holding all the photos I printed in my left hand and I was trying very hard to dig my marker that was somewhere inside my big pack bag using my right hand. AT THE SAME TIME, MY LEGS ARE TREMBLING. I'm  not kidding. This was the first time I felt my legs trembled and I REALLY couldn't move my legs. I was so anxious and nervous and this just make everything worse. I couldn't find my marker throughout when I was chasing her. And I managed to find my marker ONLY when I chased her till she was out of sight. I am so sad that I teared lol I'm not kidding. Even till thus, I still tear upon the thought of it. and I found my legs trembling a bit now while comprehending this post hahahaha what's this and I don't even feel hungry, and having a mixture of feelings, crying out of sudden hahah I think that's what Regine meant by SA. but hers is more severe haha.
Oh ya, and Tavia and Michelle left the stage at different timings, I did chase after Tavia too but I didn't manage to get anything too :(
It is an enjoyable and fun day definitely, and 15SEP2013 (all the things that happened etc) will be forever be etched in my mind! :)
you can email me if u'd like to have the pictures (I took 300+ it's going to lag if I upload all) and video! I got the video that includes everything throughout the event but the size is super huge it failed to upload.
U can read (roses4taviayeung on ig) of her experience in this event. I might missed out something that you could find it in her blog! I am comprehending this post with half of my eyes closed (I am really tired) hahaha so pardon me if I missed out anything. And I took 2.5hours for this post hahaha thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, found your post as I was surfing the net haha and your blog is really interesting! I am Michelle's fan~ I know this post was quite long ago ^^;; but wondering if you could still share the video with me? If it's too large, maybe thru dropbox or youtube or sth?

    Hope you see this and you can reach me at :)

